Saturday, February 20, 2010

Book Review: Beautiful Things Happen When A Woman Trusts God by Sheila Walsh

Faith is a journey. And sometimes that journey is long and hard, sometimes it twists and turns and we lose our way. We begin to question God, to wonder if he's trustworthy. Often we may feel alone but this book shows that we aren’t.
In "Beautiful Things Happen When a Woman Trusts God" by Sheila Walsh, the author shares her very personal account of her struggle with trusting God. Sheila tells stories of her battles with insecurity, doubt, a feeling of hopelessness and fear but also shares the wonder and beauty of her life once she it handed over to God. Not only does she share personal anecdotes but Sheila also weaves the story of ten individuals from the bible who trusted God and had their lives changed.
I sometimes struggle with non-fiction books because they can be dull and boring. This was NOT one of those books. Sheila has a writing style that feels more like a conversation with a friend than a lecture by a stranger. By the end of the book I was inspired to take a deeper look at my relationship with God, to realize that he is indeed trustworthy. The stories of Anna, Tabitha and Joseph, along with others, were weaved in beautifully with Sheila's. The bible study included was a wonderful addition to the book.
My copy of the book is filled with underlines and notes because I could so closely relate with what I was reading. I would wholeheartedly recommend this book not only to women who are struggling with their faith, but those whose relationship is strong. Sheila Walsh's book reinforces that "Beautiful Things Happen When a Woman Trusts God."
(Thomas Nelson has graciously provided me with a complimentary copy of this book so that I may review it.)


  1. Sounds like a great find! Will add it to my TO READ List... Great to find another Christian blogger, how do I subscribe to your posts?

  2. Hey Tracey! I believe, if you use blogger, all you have to do is click the follow button on the top left of the screen when on my blog. There is also a "followers" gadget that I added. I am headed to check out your blog now :)


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