Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sunshine Time

I am a lucky blogger.  I haven't been around long and I have encountered some wonderful blogs with wonderful authors.  One such blogger, Magpie at Dazzled by Life, has given The Sunset Won't the Sunshine Award!

First, thank you so much Magpie for this award, it truly made my day.  The Sunshine Award from what I understand is for people and blogs who shine.  I am passing the Sunshine Award on to...

1. Hema P. from Wading Through Words.  This blog is consistently enjoyable to read and always adds a little sunshine to my day.
2. Stacy from Stacy Says.  She has an uncanny ability to find the funniest things online and share them with her readers.
3. Tricia from Through My Eyes.  Tricia shares fantastic quotes and verses pairing each post with an image.  As a person who loves reading and loves quotes this blog is wonderful.
4. Neil at 1000 Awesome Things.  This blog was one of the first that I started reading.  I am a huge fan and am thrilled with the success that Neil has found.  When a blog makes you stop and think you can't ask for anything more.  His list is fantastic and makes you appreciate the awesome things that we see every day.

Blogging is a community.  Sometimes it can be hard to dig through all the blogs to find the pearls.  I must also recommend the blogs on my blog roll to the right.  They are all fantastic reads.  Please check them out.  If I could give an award to all of them I think I would.

Remember, little things can wait, the sunset won't!


  1. Congratulations on your award, Heather!

  2. Congratulations, Heather, and thank you so much for passing the award on to my blog and saying such wonderful words about it!!

    I came by for a bit of sunshine from your words and got smothered by a lot of brightness. I love those days that hold such surprises! :-)


Life is busy, thanks for taking a moment to leave a note!