Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fear Is a Natural Thing

Fear is a very real thing.  It's a normal thing.  Fears can be big or small.  Trivial or serious.  Unique or commonplace.  Recently in the youth group I work with we had a fun night surrounding the idea of fear and God's reaction to our fear.  At the end of the night we asked the youth to work on a "Post Secret" style project around the idea of fear.  

As I was ruminating on what my card would look like I realized the multitude of fears I have. Big and small.  Trivial and serious.  Perhaps unique, perhaps common.  My thinking is that if one writes down their fears, maybe that's the first step to confronting them. Maybe.  Let's see...

I fear that I will never live up to expectation.
I fear that I will end up alone.
I fear that I let expectation dictate who I have become.
I fear that I will disappoint.
I fear getting trapped in an elevator.
I fear dying a painful death.
I fear that I put on a mask that pushes people away.
I fear that I fear too much.
I fear that I will not find a full-time position in a school district that I love.
I fear that I will not pay off my student loans.
I fear the feeling I get when I am in a small space with lots of people.
I fear the disorganized.
I fear the unknown.
I fear.

I fear.  You fear.  Everyone fears.  Big and small.  Shared and not-shared.  I think its the talking about fears that allows us to begin to stand up to them.  So what are your fears?  Have you thought about them lately?

Remember to live life the best you can, love the most you can.  Moments are precious, many things can wait, The Sunset Won't.  

1 comment:

  1. I love how honest this post is.

    I fear I can't work up the guts to say what I feel... in bloggyland and in real life


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