Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Do you ever feel like you are searching for something? But you don't know what that something is? Bloody frustrating isn't it? But maybe the act of searching is part of what you are supposed to be doing? For instance. I cannot find a job. As a recent grad I did not think it would be this hard. But as I can't find a job in my home state I have begun to branch out. Where do I want to live? Where do I want to work? What type of school do I want to work in? (I'm a teacher, well, trying to be) And lately I feel the pull of a small town.

Perhaps not a town of 100 where you all live on one block. But a small town where the local cafe on the corner has the best coffee and pie around. Its a place you can always go when you are searching for company. Somewhere that has lots of land around it, wide open spaces. Somewhere that protects its own, but adopts newcomers when they arrive. Maybe this won't ever happen for me. Finding a teaching job in a small town would be tough. It's impossible to call around to countless towns to see if they are hiring. But a girl can dream, right?

While I might not be able to move out of MinneSNOWta anytime soon, it might be nice. I can picture the town. My apartment. The people. My classroom. Who knows? Maybe someday will come true. I am not looking for a happily forever after, just a happily ever now.

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