Friday, April 8, 2011

Guest Blogger: Katie from Finding The Thin Within

Today I welcome another guest blogger, Katie who writes about willingness at Finding the Thin Within.  I invite you to check out her blog when you get a chance.  It's all about weight loss and happy living.  But for toady, you don't have to go far to get a taste of her story.

Since I was a girl I’ve been the type of person who dreamt of wild escapades and fantastic adventures. I wanted to get out there and live, but until 8 months ago I had a dark cloud over my head holding me back, my weight. Tipping the scales at nearly 280 pounds, I could only explore life in my fantasies. I my mind I detailed an intricate bucket list with itineraries of trips and crazy stunts that only left me disappointed upon realizing that my situation prevented nearly everything I wanted to do beyond the couch. So I ate. I wore a hole in the midsection of the couch watching the travel and discovery channels. At least I got to see others enjoying their lives.

In July of 2010 I made the decision to change my life. I took charge and vowed to feel the exhilaration of bring my bucket list to life. I’ve lost 55 pounds, and while I still have ways to go, it’s amazing the kind of enthusiasm and zeal for life that can result from making positive changes. My body is strong, and I feel like I can do absolutely anything. My tangible bucket list now legitimately contains things like: complete a half-marathon (scheduled for late April of this year), ride horses again (I had them as a child), take an African safari, become a Zumba instructor, climb a mountain – all things I considered next to impossible only a year ago. My attitude has done a complete 180, and I’m ready to tackle any obstacle that stands between me and getting the most out of this life. We only to live once, so I intend to make it count!

Probably the biggest gift that my weight-loss has given me is what I believe to be my calling. I’ve always been a natural motivator and talented public speaker. Yes, I know – GASP – someone who actually wants to speak in front of large groups of people?!? But I love it. I live for it. The item at the top of my bucket list in capital letters is MAKE A DIFFERENCE, and this journey has given me that opportunity. I’ve already been privileged to work one-on-one with a few friends, coaching them as they start changing their unhealthy behaviors and begin to write their own stories. That brings me an immense amount of satisfaction, and I plan to grow and continue that initiative. I see now that I was meant to combine my love/talent for speaking with my personal weight-loss story to inspire others and motivate them to make positive change in their own lives. I can – and will – make a difference in this life, and to me that is the greatest way to live life to the fullest. 

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