My third commandment is to Let Go of Perfect. I am a major perfectionist. It's quite possible that I have a little CDO (O.C.D. but alphabetized) that contributes to my need for perfection. Another large part might be that I seem to have a need to please other people, to be what they think I should be, to be perfect.
But really, we all know that there is no such thing, right? Well we can tell ourselves that, but it doesn't mean we believe it. I always thought that to get from point A to B it had to look like this:
But someone once pointed out that if it were to look like this:
Then that would be okay too. There is no right way. There's a your way. And a my way. But just because they are different, doesn't mean they aren't both right.

That isn't to say that I shouldn't be the healthiest version of me I can be. Or the smartest, or best teacher that I can be. But that's the point. Its not the best, period. It's the best, I CAN BE.
So my third personal commandment is to Let Go of Perfect. To understand that there is more than one way to do something. That God made me just the way I am and that to Him I am perfectly me without changing anything. So as I strive to let go of perfection for myself, I have to also let go of my desire for others to be perfect... but that's a whole other story.
It's so hard to just relax and say "okay, everything doesn't have to go EXACTLY as planned."