Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dear 2012, Auf Wiedersehen

Dear 2012,

I started off having such lofty hopes for you.  Plans to make changes, to live a better life.  A fuller life.  I witnessed a wicked game of Tug of War between team captains What Is and What Could Be.  There were books reviewed, lessons learned, a milestone reached, a new job started.

It was a busy year, even if it wasn't quite the year I had hoped for.  You brought with you a clean slate, one that I was excited for, though I knew you had spoken with your friend 2011 as you will with 2013.  

My word for 2012 was remember.  Remember those I've lost with love.  Where I've been.  My hopes and dreams.  

There were a few bumps still along the road but it wasn't awful.  So here's to the good times, the bad times, and all the times in between.

1 comment:

Life is busy, thanks for taking a moment to leave a note!